Bike for Sale? No Way. Not My Bike!

Some people may view their bicycles as mere means of transportation or a leisurely way to enjoy the outdoors. But for me, my bike is much more than that. It's a companion, a trusted steed that has faithfully carried me through countless miles of adventure and exploration. I can't fathom parting ways with my beloved bicycle until it has exhausted its last pedal stroke. In this blog post, I want to share my perspective on why I ride my bikes until they're completely worn out before getting a new one. A Journey Together: From the moment I first straddled the seat of my bike, I knew we were destined for countless journeys together. Every squeak of the chain, every gust of wind against my face, and every hill conquered only strengthened our bond. We've traversed busy city streets, serene country roads, and rugged mountain trails. Each ride is a testament to the shared experiences and memories we've created over the years. Built-In Reliability: As the miles pile up, my bi...