Cycling: More Than Just Exercise, It's a Way of Life

I love cycling. It's hard to put into words how much joy it brings me. I started out as a runner in college, but I also rode a bicycle a few miles to and from my apartment to classes. Little did I know that I was slowly becoming a cyclist. I went to New Mexico State University, and about 5 miles from my apartment was a pretty lonely highway that rambled through some really cool small villages. The thing I loved about riding on that road was that I got to ride for miles under a canopy of pecan trees. It was beautiful and peaceful, and I found myself looking forward to those rides more than my runs. At the time, I didn't really think of it as training. It was just something to do other than running, and it was too far away to run to. But looking back, I realize that those rides were the foundation of my love for cycling. They were my first taste of the freedom and joy that comes with cycling. Fast forward to today, and I'm still cycling. I've participated in many events o...