
Showing posts from February, 2024

Cycling in Austin: Exploring the City's Rich History, Bike Trails, and Thriving Community

Austin, Texas, is known for its live music, amazing food scene, and a plethora of outdoor activities. But what many people don't know is that Austin is also an incredible city for cyclists. From its rich history to its many events and bicycle trails, Austin offers something for every kind of cyclist. Let's start with the history of cycling in Austin. The city has a long and proud history of bicycle culture dating back to the 1800s. In fact, the first documented bicycle ride in Texas was in Austin in 1885. Since then, the city has continued to embrace cycling, and today it is home to some of the most passionate and dedicated cyclists in the country. One of the things that makes Austin such a great city for cyclists is the many events that take place throughout the year. From charity rides to competitive races, there is always something going on for cyclists of all levels. The city hosts several major cycling events each year, including the Texas Mamma Jamma Ride, the LIVESTRONG

The Effects of Alcohol on Long Distance Cycling

As an old guy cyclist, I've learned a thing or two about the effects of alcohol on my performance. I've also seen firsthand how alcohol can impact the performance of other cyclists, both in training and racing. What Alcohol Does to Your Body When you drink alcohol, your body prioritizes processing the alcohol over other functions, such as repairing muscle tissue and hydrating. This means that alcohol can have a number of negative effects on your long distance cycling performance, including: Dehydration. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it makes you pee more. This can lead to dehydration, which can impair your performance and increase your risk of heat stroke. Impaired coordination. Alcohol can impair your coordination and balance, which can make it difficult to ride safely. Reduced reaction time. Alcohol can slow down your reaction time, which can make it difficult to react to hazards on the road. Increased fatigue. Alcohol can make you feel tired and sluggish, which can make

The Greatest American Long Distance and Ultra-Distance Cyclists

A couple of days ago I wrote an article about the greatest cyclists in American cycling history. It mainly focused on the media darlings that we have all seen on the Tour de France and other big time races. I am particularly impressed with ultra-long-distance cyclists too and wanted to give them some recognition too.   Cycling is a sport that has captured the hearts and minds of millions of people around the world. Whether it's the rush of wind in your face as you ride through beautiful landscapes, the feeling of pushing yourself to your limits, or the satisfaction of achieving a long-sought-after goal, there is something truly special about cycling that keeps people coming back for more. One of the most challenging and rewarding aspects of cycling is long distance and ultra-distance riding. These events push cyclists to their limits, challenging their physical and mental stamina as they ride hundreds or even thousands of miles in a single race. And in the United States, there are

Why Long Distance Cyclists Should Consider Magnesium Supplements

Fueling Your Ride from the Inside Out For long-distance cyclists, pushing boundaries becomes a mantra. You train relentlessly, meticulously plan routes, and obsess over gear efficiency. But what about the fuel that powers your body, the unseen engine driving every pedal stroke? One often-overlooked nutrient, magnesium , deserves a place in your pre-ride ritual. Here's why: Muscle Magnesium Mayhem: Cycling depletes magnesium stores through sweat. This mineral plays a crucial role in muscle function, contraction, and relaxation. Low levels can lead to cramping, fatigue, and decreased power output – not ideal when miles stretch before you. Studies have shown magnesium supplementation can reduce muscle cramps and improve exercise performance in endurance athletes. Beyond Muscle Power: Magnesium's magic extends far beyond muscle twitches. It's involved in over 300 bodily processes, including energy production, bone health, nervous system function, and
