Can Cycling Cause Penis Numbness?
C an cycling cause penis numbness? Cycling is a great way to get exercise and enjoy the outdoors, but it can also cause penis numbness, especially in male cyclists. This can be a cause of concern, but it is important to note that penis numbness is usually not a serious problem and can be prevented or treated with simple measures. What causes penis numbness when cycling? There are two main reasons why cycling can cause penis numbness: Pressure on the perineum: The perineum is the area between the scrotum and the anus. When you cycle, you sit on your saddle, which can put pressure on the perineum. This pressure can restrict blood flow to the penis and cause numbness. Nerve compression: The nerves that control sensation in the penis run through the perineum. If there is too much pressure on the perineum, these nerves can be compressed. This can also cause penis numbness. Other factors that can contribute to penis numbness when cycling include: Cycling for long periods of time: The ...